Friday, December 21, 2007

Finally, Something Funny Happened

3:45, afternoon dismissal line on the blacktop.
female student in pigtails: "My mom told me tadpoles go here!" [grabs crotch]
teacher: "What??"
female student in pigtails: "My mom said tadpoles go in here!!" [repeat crotch grab]
Stunned teacher thinks about what the hell this could mean while trying to maintain her composure. Why would a mother tell her daughter that frogs go inside vaginas??
teacher:"Ohhhh. Did your mom tell you where babies come from?"
female student in pigtails: "YES!" (smiles then clasps hand over mouth)
teacher: "Okay, great. Keep that to yourself."

1 comment:

Bunifah Alize Jenkins said...

Lol. As a part time babysitter, I get these things too. Yesterday, the 6 year old asked me what an X rating meant. I had to think, and then I sort of sidetracked him and explained how the ratings are supposed to work in general, and then said how they are intended for parents. "So X just means super-duper not for kids"
at 6 they are still like "ewww grown up stuff. BORING!"
so i think i did a pretty good job