Cent #1
Anyone who says anything close to any of the following phrases, or for that matter wears a tee shirt bearing any of the following phrases, needs to be deported. I don't know where -- maybe to space? The offending phrases are as follows:

* "This is America - now speak ENGLISH!"
* "They come here and they refuse to learn English and they just want us to accomdate them"
* "They expect their kids to be taught in Spanish instead of them learning English"
For reasons too annoying to go into here, I hate these opinions. In fact, they make me glad that there are people in America who won't speak English. At least those who don't speak English can't offend me with their ignorance because I can't understand what they're saying. And just a little fun fact to throw out there for those of you have not already bought yourself a one-way ticket to space: of the 31 million Spanish speaking Americans currently in the US, most speak English with over half describing themselves as being able to speak English "very well." Even assuming that those who answered this question were over-estimating their abilities, one could also assume that they are making an effort to speak the language.
I also think that building a wall between the US and Mexico would be useless. I mean, wouldn't it just draw more undocumented workers to the border to build the damn thing? Besides, if we're going to build something you can see from space it should look more like this.
Cent #2
Whenever someone says that undocumented workers do jobs that Americans "refuse" to do, I cringe. Is there any proof for that statement? Any statistics from any surveys or polls? Any BLS figures that show that Americans won't work certain jobs? Or is this a Rush Limbaugh 'truth' wherein the fact that the speaker thinks the statement is true is enough to make it so?

Finally, I think that protestors are wise to reconsider their flag-waving practices. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not offended that someone would wave a flag from another country, I just think it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of persuasion tactics. Just think a minute protestors -- there are people out there who get mad that you speak Spanish, and pretty much that you exist at all. Do you think they're going to appreciate your cultural pride? If anything they're going be more convinced you need to leave.
And thus ends my foray into a semi-political realm. Back to TV.
I totally agree with everything you said. Brilliantly done.
Yeah I agree about the minimum wage hike, it's absolutely ridiculous. I actually remember when they last increased the wage because I was working a job that paid $5.15 an hour -- at the time a cozy few cents above the minimum wage, and then it changed. Damn cheap bagel-bakery bastards.
It really, really bothers me when snobby elitist people (esp. people on political shows / members of government) say that Americans refuse to do these jobs. Just because they're not going to
mow a lawn or wash dishes, doesn't mean some poor person from the
midwest won't do it. And often times these commentators cannot
discern between 'wanting' to do these jobs and 'needing' to do these jobs. No one wants to stand in the filth of a restaurant dishwasher,they do it because they need to make a living.
I'd also like to wag my finger (Colbert-style) at corporate lobbyists and the chamber of commerce. They're the reason for this whole mess. Boo.
Um michelle I love you. And YEAH, we don't refuse to do those jobs. My mother was a nanny and what!....o wait she isn't a citizen. damnit.
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