Having never been to Denver in my life (and possessing zero desire to visit) I feel I can safely say that Washington is better than Denver. As far as I can tell, all Denver has that DC lacks is a higher concentration of Republicans, and a lower concentration of air (things that may quite possibly be related).

Eventhough I think that the Real World has been unbearable for the past 5 years, this show can't end till it comes to DC. I have it all planned out, all Bunim-Murray has to do is find 7 morons and follow my plan: the real worlders arrive at their Dupont row house as the trite "I love my boyfriend until I realize I can have sex with someone hotter" storyline is already beginning to play out for two of the Real Worlders; the homosexual roommate disappears into the DC gayborhood never to be heard from again until the cast reunion. By day the cast would intern on Capitol Hill, where they could hone their copying and flirting skills, and by night they would drink in Adams Morgan, where they could hone their knife fighting skills. They could get arrested on the Metro for eating, boo Dick Cheney at a Nats game, help some tourists successfully find their way to the Spy museum, and attend a political rally -- basically live the well-rounded DC experience. Somewhere in there they could do all the mundane Real World activities, like make out in a hot tub and be too drunk and useless to work their assigned job. In the season finale, the cast would all happily agree that their season of the Real World would have been utterly unwatchable had they been forced to live in Denver.
I think it's because Denver has decriminalized marijuana, and DC, like you said, is old and ugly.
hehe :-)
thats hilarious!
mebbe this will give u the opportunity to visit "denver" :-)
I haven't seen that show in a few years, but I have seen ads around campus for real-world members on tour of whom i've never heard. maybe someone at that show finally did something right and sent them to a dirty, boring, mediocre city to knock the boring people that are now on the show down a few pegs. if this is the case, i propose that they next choose Baltimore and have the cast members do maintainance work at the Grey Hound station or something. Denver and Baltimore both seem to fairly represent the trashy cast that will probably be chosen to live in said trashy city.
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