On the one hand, I know I shouldn't take so much glee in the fact that this girl gained 15 lbs, but on the other hand I think it's only natural to be excited at the slight misfortune of those who have wronged you in the past. If this wasn't a natural reaction then why would people go to high school reunions? And you know, I don't really care about what happened 6 years ago but she won't look me in the eye or even acknowledge my presence - today she brushed past me during the breakfast without so much as an excuse me. I think it's entirely possible that she's not the same person she was when she was 17, and even then she wasn't mean. In fact, she was nice when she wasn't too busy being a self-centered idiot. I've changed since I was 17 -- but too bad for her because I haven't gotten nicer. That's why I say, ha ha ha ha you got fat and I didn't.
P.S. Has anyone else ever heard the gospel on Easter Sunday and then had the sudden epiphany that the story of the passion is the most popular zombie story ever told?
It's a perfectly normal reaction, and one that I am guilty of as well, though I feel no shame.
Looks are super important for 23 year old women, and knowing that she is
1) fatter
2) not fashionable
3) does not wear understand what looks good on her, and
4) too immature to acknowledge your presense even makes ME excited at her misfortune.
You Easter experience aligns nicely with mine. Our yearly tradition is to go to 8 a.m. Mass and then have the breakfast buffet at the Courtyard by Mariott afterwards, where my mom comments on who is fatter than they were last Easter, whose hairline is receding even though "he's only your sister's age, for God's sake," and what family "just always has had the most awful skin."
About the zombie aspect of Easter: I too have noticed it, I especially like the images of Christ literally trampelling on death. I mean Greeks do Easter hardcore, and if you ever get the oppurtunity to attend our Anastasi service, it really is a very intense ritual. There's magic lighting of candles, singing, banging on church doors. It's my 2nd fave holiday due t all the spectacle.
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