Thursday, June 15, 2006

Finally, being a white woman pays off

I've been perusing Craigslist recently for possible cheaper places to live as the negotiation with my landlord over next year's rent continues. Apparently she thinks that raising the rent $300 a month would be acceptable. I guess me and my roommates could swing that 11% increase if we all drove Benz convertibles like the landlady, but sadly we are poor so I'm exploring other options just in case. But unfortunately, the rise in interest rates seem to have pushed a lot of the rents in the area to the stratosphere. Just as I was getting ready to beg my parents to let me move back home I found this posting:

To quote that piece of backwards logic woman from that late-night commercial for Focus Factor "If it's free it must be good! " AWESOME! Seriously, these people will let you live in a great and convenient place like Woodbridge, for FREE? I mean wow, Woodbridge, what a great location. It's so close to so many great things like... Potomac Mills? I mean honestly, what kind of catch could there possibly be to this arrangement? After all, these people are white and to my knowledge white people have never done anything bad ever in the history of man. Based on the quality of their post, I'm guessing all they want is grammar and English lessons since their native tongue appears to be caveman. The only hitch is that I don't know if I'm "open-minded" enough to live in Northern Virginia (even if it is dangerously close to real Virginia). If you, like me, are interested in getting more "informations" you better email them, because no doubt this place is going to go quick. (P.S. Sorry to all the males and black women out there who wanted to be a live-in, English tutor for neanderthals in Woodbridge, you are not encouraged to apply. I somehow feel like maybe you are getting the better end of the deal...)


Anonymous said...

"share house and more"

i guarantee you the "more" is "sexual assaulted and possibly being cannibalized" and not, say, "groceries and utilities"

Anonymous said...

to futher what matt said, from now on this sort of passive-aggressive, grandma's-underwear-thinly veiled racism as "the new racism" (you know, like "new coke," which was also in poor taste and generally disliked). If you were to live there I would recommend bringing Coke Classic and, in light of all the caveman/neanderthal jokes, flint or something else helpful in the quest for fire.