Wednesday, December 21, 2005

An actual baby to be born

So according to "reliable sources" (e.g. a blog about celebrities and the Washington Express) Gwen Stefani is preggers. Say wha?! Given her obsession with harajuku girls (which have yielded many a creepy video and crazy outfit in the past year) I bet you she's going to make her baby dress up like some sort of weirdo Japanese street kid. Lord help that child because you know it's going to get some sort of weird name that makes Apple Martin seem downright run of the mill.

I like Gwen Stefani but she has been getting weirder and weirder. Ever since that confusing pirate video that accompanied that torturous and contradictory ditty "If I were a rich girl," I've been concerned. Maybe I'm missing something but to me, pirates + Fiddler on the roof sample + Eve + Japanese girls = lsd trip. Then there's her song "Harajuku Girls" which sounds like something Paris Hilton's dumber twin could have written. For those of you unfamiliar with this song, here's a sample lyric "I'm fascinated by the Japanese fashion scene/ Just an American girl, in the Tokyo streets/ My boyfriend bought me a Hysteric Glamour shirt." Plus she makes those Harajuku hos follow her around. Why don't they ever get to speak? Why do they have to go everywhere with her? Why do they always have to fawn all over her and stand behind her? I think they are actually her slaves.

I think we as a society need to put our foot down on eccentric stars. Because one day they're cool and cutting-edge by wearing only one glove and taking Webster to the grammies, and then next thing you know they're naming their kids Prince and Prince II Blanket and molesting children. Or worse, they've become scientologists. Being creative and talented does not give you cart blanche to do whatever (ahem Roman Polanski). So cheers to you Gwen (and the completely irrelevant Gavin Rossdale) on your baby, but I've got my eye on you....

1 comment:

Bunifah Alize Jenkins said...

First, "Rich Girl" was actually a reggae dancehall song fromt he mid-90s that Gwen re-did. So you really can't blame her for those lyrics or the fiddler sample. But I lover her and think pirates are amazing. But kudos for calling out Roman Polanski. Why is it ok for him to still sell us stuff after her drugged and butt-raped a 13 year old girl? Mind Boggling.