Sunday, July 01, 2007

Wake up Call

At my program, we are going to be bussed to different schools all over NYC to begin teaching summer school. These buses leave at 3 different times: 6:45 am (theoretically doable), 6:25 am (sounds awful), 6:05 am (should be defined as torture by the Geneva Conventions). Obviously, I was really hoping that I'd be assigned to a school whose bus left at 6:45 am, and even more obviously, that isn't the case. For the next 5 weeks, every day I will be up at 5:00 am to ready myself for a day of teaching and to gurantee I don't miss my 6:05 am bus. Even worse, of the 10 people I live with, only 2 other people have to wake up for the early buses.

Whoever assigned me to this 6:05 am bus has more than earned the award for the Bamma of the Week. I am not merely giving out this B.o.W. because I think it will be annoying to have to wake up early, rather the person who assigned me this ungodly bus departure time has earned their B.o.W. because of their insensitive and thoughtless action. I, as well as anyone who will have to interact with me at any time between 5 and 9 am, will suffer as a direct result of this bus departure time. This is because I have a nearly clinical-level problem waking up early. (Obviously, I am a bamma for deciding to leave a job where I could breeze into the office every day at 10 am and pursue a job as a teacher where I'd have to be at work by 8 am, but that's not the point here).

I understand that there are a lot of people out there who can wake themselves up, but I am not one of them. I have an alarm clock designed for deaf people (it has a vibrating pad that you can put underneath your pillow), and it still doesn't wake me up. In fact, I burned out the vibrating pad because I would just sleep through it. Anyone who has ever lived with me has, at some point, had to wake me up. And when I say "some point" I mean every single day they would have to wake me up because I would inevitably sleeping through an alarm. Even as a child I didn't wake up easily: my dad had to pick up and shake my mattress for me to get out of bed when I was in elementary school. In high school I had problems consistently waking before 7 am, which was a huge problem since school began at 7:25 and I lived 30 minutes away. I'm hoping my body can adapt to a 10-5 sleep schedule easily, but I predict it's going to be a rough transition from my preferred 1-8 schedule. I pray for everyone who is going to have to deal with me in my cranky, zombie state until my body adjusts. Except, of course, for that Anonymous TFA Institute worker -- they can go to hell.

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