Saturday, July 14, 2007

One Week of Teaching down...

After my first week in the classroom, here are my stats:

135: minutes spent teaching writing
130: dollars spent at Staples on school supplies
96: high temperature on Monday
approx. 35: minutes spent crying
18: number of students on the roster
18: number of students I'm excited and hopeful to see each day
14: hours slept between Monday and Friday
13: number of students who regularly attend class
10: hours spent commuting on a non-airconditioned bus between Kingsbridge, Bronx and Jamaica, Queens
6: the grade my students will be entering in the fall
5:45 am: the time I wake up every day
3: number of objectives I attempted to teach
1.5: number of objectives students mastered
0: number of friends I've seen or spoken to this week who are not in TFA

I am half-way done with my time at Craptown U, and 3 weeks away from being done with in-tense-titute. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dayummmm. good luck.